Friday, July 6, 2007


We were tagged by Jeannie and Jewel to show our SMILE~!

Definately a happy dog lying on the bed with the cushion to chew on.

I'm always happy!
There's nothing to be unhappy about.


We are tagging Amber-Mae, Lil Miss Reina, Tang Tang and our hamterrier Girl Girl.

Show us your smile!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Say hello to Murrek!

Ain't she cute in those greenie?!

Over Due

I'm sorry I can't get to the computer, S was really busy these days doing stuff!

In response to the replies for my last post, I still don't know what did Reina's mum and S did in the kitchen! She fed us crumps!!! How evil were they! They gave us the left overs. They said it was meant for Odie and Oreo...... Who are they anyway to make our hoomans stay in the kitchen for them!
I'm also angry with S that she went out without us on Sat and Sun! Both days I heard she went to this same place and event. She said she saw many many nice and pretty toys. I wonder if i can chew on them and play tug-of-war with Slurpee with them. hmmmm..... Let's see them.

This is where they went!

This is S with her fav toy mascott at the event.

And of course there was TOKIDOKI! S's favourite!!

This is Furi Furi, he is one of the guest artist for this event.

And this is Touma, the other artist for this event. Both artist are from JAPAN~!

This is S's friend he took part in a small competition, he was suppose to put together pieces of Trexi show in the image. and he won! the lastest full series of Coca-Cola Trexi!! S thinks it's worth like $100+ ahahahah how cool is that!

YES! she went to see toys TWO days in a row!!!
I wana go too and bite the big brown bear!
Have a nice Monday!
When is the weekend coming?

Friday, June 22, 2007

What are they up to?

S and Reina's mum have been in the kitchen almost every weekend.
I wonder what are they up to?
I hope they cook something nice and yummy for us, why would they wana waste time sitting in the kitchen right?


Monday, June 18, 2007

Pups for adoption

Some puppies were found at a construction site.
For adoption enquiries, Contact Avril or
Calling out to commited dog lovers.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

7 things we didn't mention!

We have been tagged by Jeannie and Jewel! To tell you 7 things we never mentioned in our blog and tag another 7 other doggies!

1. I BURPS like a man.
I also fart alot!
2. I love watching the TV w the hoomans
3. My naughty corner is a reclining chair in front of a TV...
4. My mummy is my fav. person in the whole world!!!!! *luv mummy*
5. I ate Chocolate before! :S
6. And I managed to open and eat a fresh packet of Spicy Calebee potato chips!!!
7. I got a swimming pool just like Lil Miss Reina only much bigger. *S bought it for me*

1. I sat on Lil Miss Reina before....... I'm sorry Reina!
2. I dragged here around as well~ *I think she had fun*
3. My tail always smacks Gigi's face. I think that's why she dont like me....
4. I love talking to Hoomans by howling.
5. I was afraid of water before this nice stranger introduce me to water at the Dog run.
6. I love water now~!
7. C says I'm a kluts.....

Sorry Reina.....Here's what happen....I didn't mean it...

1. I love pain?!??!
2. I like playing with hard and solid food.
3. I hate it when L wants to clip me nails...
4. I faint when I'm out and about in the sun too long.
5. I'm a guy...not a a guy...hmmmm.... i wonder
6. I love bullying Gigi
7. I hate people on motorcycles!

1. I hate nachos's tail!
2. I get away being old. sometimes
3. I hate children making noise outside! Totally hate them.
4. I love singing along to the horn that the garang guni man makes.
5. I'm round.....heheheh
6. I can't see....yet I still can!
7. I eat almost everything!

We are gonna tag......... Lil Miss Reina, Amber-Mae, Oscar, Lorenza, Ah Tang, Maggie and Mitch!~!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Visit lil sheep

Thanks all for your suggestion to the colours for lil sheep.
S went to lil sheep's doctor yesterday and said she saw many other sheeps there!
but lil sheep is only to be operated next month.....:(
I wonder why S keeps talking about this doctor called Ah Bang. I think he makes a bang bang sound....oh! Ah Bang got a doggie! called Bomo! hehhehe... S says he really looks cute but very possasive of food. He seem to be scary when there is food.
I'll get S to take a pic of bomo and post it here to show everyone. He is looking after S's lil sheep..

Jeannie and Jewel tagged us!
I better go let the others know!


Monday, June 11, 2007


Saturday my best friend, Lil Miss Reina came to visit!

S made doggie pancakes for us~ It smell so nice that Reina's mum said it smells like those for the hoomans! And it was really yummy, even Slurp couldn't resist.
S called Ah Tang's daddy and ask if they could bring Ah Tang to play but they were on their way out, otherwise Ah Tang could meet Reina and eat pancakes and muffins!
On another note:
S would like to ask all the doggies and friends for a lil help.

S send her lil sheep to the doctor and she (Yes, S got a girlfriend) will be with the doctor for about 2-3 months. S really hopes that she will come home soon.
What S needs help for now is to decide on what colour is she going to spray her.....which is giving S a huge headache!

Lil sheep is looks like something similar in the picture. (above) Only that it has a round 'eye' and one seat.

Oh here's one that looks like S's girlfriend, she thought of doing in Red/White.
Or all Red, or all OrangyYellow

S also found one that look a little funny. (below)

C showed S this one that look so pretty! Don't you all think the Pink will suit me?!?! Cos I'm golden?

I wonder which will look best on the lil sheep.

Any Suggesstions anyone??

Monday, June 4, 2007

I've been tagged by a brat!

I've been tagged by Ah Tang to stated 8 facts about meeeeeee. I don't know why S made me call her that too. Her name is Tang Tang.
S prefers to call her Ahhhh Tang thou.. hmmm...

Here it is~
1. I'm very picky about food, thats why I got a good figure.
2. I'm the guard dog of the house.
3. I dont like swimming.
4. I love bossing doggies around.
5. When I get wet vegs, I will fling it around hard before I eat them. I don't like water with my veggies... they get mushy.
6. I like soft food...
7. I don't like grooming and I will not hold back on showing my displeasure.
8. I like playing hands!

there is my share~

I'm sick...

I went to S's house to stay as C was away as well.
I was so happy to see Nachos Slurpee and Gigi! We ran around the house bumming into the furniture and all. I got to sleep together with the group at night.
S's sister L was so nice, she brought us all to Sentosa to swim and run!....
I think I ate something bad there....I started to puke and had lose poo.... :S
I was feeling so bad I didn't want to move or do anything.

This made L worried that she and her mommy brought me to see the doc.
He gave me some medicine and I got a jab....

I'm feeling a little better now. Still weak but I'm alright.
I'm at home with C now.
S told me that C was very worried about me on their holiday... *Hee*

Going to rest now...

(This is Murrey when she is sleeping at 2months plus, she looks and sleeps the same way now... only she's muuuuuch bigger...)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Murrey's coming to visit

S said that she will be away for the weekend.... and that Murrey is coming to visit~~~~
Yay~~ I hope she doesn't wet the kitchen floor with her sloppy drinking habits.
I was like her when I was a puppy.... I seem to have grown out of it.
Now I just love drinking till I puke~ or get scolding from the hoomans...

Can't wait for the weekend... then I get to go out to play~


Tagged by Reina Doxie

Oh No!

I was tagged by Reeeina by bestest small (for now) buddy to list out 8 facts about myself.....
So here goes!

1. I'm very Brave! But I'm frighten of loud and unusual noises.

2. I got longer snout and bigger ears than normal GR. (I think)

3. I love playing with small dogs.

4. I love communicating with the Hoomans.... *howl* *howl*

5. I love swimming~

6. I love running and rolling around on the sand.

7. I'm really afraid of car rides... and I think sometimes I get motion-sickness.

8. I love dragging small dogs around while we are play tug, eg. Slurpee and Reina.

Now I wana taggggggg Ah Tang~


Monday, May 28, 2007

Another one for me to follow!

Hahahah... I heard from S that a friend might be visiting sometime soon. And S even went to buy a rope for her already! *Jealous*
Her name is Tang Tang but S calls her Ah Tang! ahahha or Sugar.
is Tang something sweet...? Then I can follow and discipline her like Reina! HAHAHA!
And I also jealous both Reina and Ah Tang have the same birth date 3rd march 2007!
aarrgghh I wana scold both of them!


@ Murrey's

Hi Hi!

Nachos: I'm now blogging from Murrey's home! At the same time letting her chew on my ears.... yes.. I have yummy ears. All Dogs love biting them.

Murrey: NOoooooooo... I'm just being friendly
Murrey: I know I'm a little clumsy...but I'm nice...

Nachos: Yes.. I didn't say that you are mean. I mean ya when we went swimming you were very nice letting other doggie have your toy too.

Murrey: Ahhh ok... Let's go find C and see what's he doing...

Byeeeeee All~

Friday, May 25, 2007

Day Dreaming

I wonder when I'm going to see Murrey again.. but then again if she plays, my ears will be all weeeet and I will look dirty.... I dunno why but they like biting my ears.... but now at home is just slurpee and gigi.

Gigi dont really like me...:( She always chase me away when I drink water in the kitchen. I wonder why...

I also hope that the small dark black long puppy is coming over to play tomorrow since it's saturday. I hope she is not hurt the last time i paw her. *ponders*

On another note, we always have friends visiting... let me show you some.

This is Chica >> She is came over to visit awhile back. She soo manja and always wanted people to carry her. Doesn't she look like a coooooww??? *giggles* but she looks exactly like her doggie daddy, only smaller.

<< And this is Ash a GS. He is a big boy compared to all of us. S didn't want to show her face thats why the circle is there. You can also tell how big he is compared with S.

Being a lady, I can say I am more brave than Ash. He is frighten of S's bf C! He runs up the stairs and barks at him trying to chase him away... silly fella.... C won't eat us up right??

(Actually Nachos is very timid, she can be frighten easily.)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Me! me!

I'm the gate-keeper! hahaha i chase away the big people, chase away the small people and those cats and rats....
Oh No! bye! somebody just walked passed.
(Yes... slurpee is always guarding the gate. Day and night, rain or shine. Our lil trusting guard dog.)

Hello one and all~

*yawn* hello....
Good morning~...opps I mean good evening.
*hee* don't I look comfy here. I wish I could do this everyday.
Well...I'm going to do an introduction here. I'm Gigi, a silky about 13 years old? (We adopted gigi like years ago and the vet told us then that she was about 4yrs.)
At home there's also Slurpee the 'gate keeper' and Nachos the 'scardy cat' and our close friend Murrey the fatty.
Slurpee is also a silky but she's only 2+, and Nachos and Murrey are goldens and they are 1+ and 11mths. But HEY! I'm young at heart and looks!
I think I'm going back to sleep again.
Oh oh.. the other girls might come on to post as well.
Night Night~